The EarlyON Centre invites parents and young children from birth to six years of age to come learn and play together!
The George Hull Centre actively creates programs designed to support small children as they develop. Within our beautiful centre, playrooms, local parks, and other community spaces, we offer diverse programing through the week for children ages birth to six years old and their parents.
To continue to manage the risks for all families, we ask that everyone please self-screen for any illness and stay home if you and/or your child are not feeling well. Masks are optional.
We offer in-person programs Monday – Saturday in our beautiful centre playrooms, and other community spaces. You can watch our videos on our YouTube channel.
Our friendly and knowledgeable Child and Family Program Facilitators offer programs and special activities and provide parents and caregivers with information on parenting and child development. If your child needs additional or specialized services, our team is there to support your family to find the right path.
There is lots going on!
Drop in parent-child groups with structured early learning activities and free play
Registered small group parent-child programs like kindergarten readiness, creative arts, science and cooking
Specialized parent-child programs designed to meet the unique needs of our families
Regular visits by professionals, such as Speech-Language Pathologists and Public Health Nurses
Parent resources and workshops
Pre and postnatal resources, support and information
Community events and special outings and activities
The Community Engagement Program provides rich volunteer opportunities for community members and supports various community events and special activities.
To see the programs we are offering this month, download our monthly virtual program calendar by clicking on the calendar image.
For exciting program news and updates, follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @ghoeyc or @ghhcep!
To download our Parent Handbook, click on the image to the left.
Program Locations:
Ronson Site
200 Ronson Drive, Suite 102 416-622-8833 ext. 725 Monday through Saturday, morning and afternoon, closed Thursday afternoons.
1025 Scarlett Road (Call 416-320-8302 for building access during program) Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings.
Westway Site
8 Templar Drive, lower level, side entrance
(at Westway United Church)
Tuesdays, Thursday mornings, Fridays and Saturdays.
Fellowship Site
800 Burnamthorpe Rd, main floor
(at Fellowship Church)
Monday and Thursday mornings.
Every year, more than 1,300 families visit the George Hull EarlyON Child and Family Centre.
“This program has made a tremendous difference for my family in many different ways. It helped me and my son build a stronger bond. We are nicer and more patient with each other.”
PROGRAMMES en FRANÇAIS: Pour des services à la petite enfance et à la famille, contactez le Centre francophone de Toronto au : 416-203-1220 ou consultez notre site web