Every Child Belongs is a City of Toronto service that partners with the George Hull Centre and other community agencies to provide extra support for children in childcare programs.
Early signs of social and emotional development concerns in young children are often seen as behaviour problems. Many children who are struggling do not receive the type of support they need, when they need it.
Every Child Belongs provides support and consultation to childcare providers to help them effectively meet the social, emotional and developmental needs of children in childcare, up to age 12.
Our Resource Consultants enhance the skills of early childhood professionals and families to support the healthy development of children in childcare environments and the successful inclusion of children with additional needs within childcare. Consultation may include observation and program plans for individual children, assistance to childcare staff on programming, system consultation with staff and parents; customized workshops for providers and parents, or larger information sessions on specific topics geared towards working with children with special needs.
To learn more about the program, you can visit the ‘We All Belong’ online learning module at Connectability.ca. You can listen to Registered Early Childhood Educators and Resource Consultation staff talk about their experiences with the service.
For further information, contact Joyce Fulton, Program Coordinator at 416-622-8833 ext 170 or at jfulton@georgehull.on.ca.