A child’s ability to communicate is the foundation of their social, emotional and educational development. The first five years of life is the most important time to support them on the road to healthy development.
In the Preschool Speech and Language Program at The George Hull Centre, we support children and families to address difficulties with:
- Using language (sending a message using gestures, pictures, sounds or words)
- Understanding language (listening and interpreting messages)
- The interactions and social skills that are part of communicating
- The planning and clarity of speech (articulation/pronunciation, stuttering and vocal quality)
Our services are primarily offered virtually through video sessions. Children over 3 years of age may also be eligible for in-person services at several locations across Etobicoke/West Toronto (see service locations here). When we contact you, we will discuss which of method of service we are able to provide. The Preschool Speech and Language program also offers consultation to caregivers, childcare centres, and EarlyON Centres and information sessions for parents and community members.
Who is Eligible for Speech and Language Services?
If you live in Toronto, you can refer your child to the Preschool Speech and Language program until March 31 of the year they are eligible to start Junior Kindergarten for assessment, treatment and support transitioning to school. If you refer between March 31st and May 31st we can provide you an assessment and support transitioning to school.
If you live outside of Toronto, you are eligible for preschool speech and language services from your local program. To see all Ontario preschool speech and language programs and find the one closest to you, click here.
If your child is attending school, you can access support through your school by speaking to your child’s teacher or school principal.
How to Get Started
If you are worried about your child’s communication development and would like to request services, you can do so through the On-Line Registration Portal at Surrey Place, the Lead Agency for Preschool Speech and Language Services in Toronto. Referrals can be made directly by parents, or by professionals (e.g., doctor, daycare staff, early intervention worker, etc.) with parental consent/permission. Services are free and you don’t need a doctor’s referral. When an appointment becomes available, you will be contacted. If you change your mind or are no longer concerned, you can always decline the appointment at that time.
For More Information
For more information about the George Hull Centre Preschool Speech and Language Program, please contact Sara Lass, Interim Program Manager, at 416-622.8833 extension 185 or slass@georgehull.on.ca.
The Preschool Speech and Language Program at The George Hull Centre is part of a community partnership lead by Surrey Place Centre, in collaboration with The Hanen Centre, Lumenus Community Services, Macaulay Child Development Centre and Strides Toronto that delivers community-based speech and language services to children from birth to school entry. You can learn more about the Preschool Speech and Language program on the Surrey Place Centre website.
Additional Information